Saturday, August 9, 2008


WTF..... Plz read the below....

"Darling~!! Nothing can halang our WOVE~!!! Let's get married!!"
"But My Parents Don't Approve Of Us~!!"
"It's Ok-ayy, nothing can stand in the way of out love!! Even Money Doesn't Stand A Chance Between US"
"It's Okay~ I dON'T mIND :D .. We Can Use My Money~!!"
"Let's end our school life! And run away together~!!"

And They Run Away, and live a "happy" life... heh... as if...

Like WTF....

The chic is like a total idiot...
Of course, love is important...
YEA... OF COURSE... Love is soooo important....
It's like SOOOO much more important that money and your future!



love is important, but isn't better to be balance with MONEY and FUTURE??

I just can't understand some people....
They are really stupid.

No matter how much i love someone, he has to 1) have money that's more than enough money to support a family... 2)a good career... and 3)doesn't get in the way of my dreams...

If he can't do that, i'm sorry la...
BUT if he really does "love" me like he says, than he will work his ass off to get money :D

The reason for me to post this, is because I just read this article in this magazine about this high school girl missing cause she ran away with her unemployed, 2o year old, boyfriend...

really stupid..

Money is really important for me.

This is my ranking.....

2 1/2.Money
3.Love (sorry, but, yea this is the rank of LOVE) / Future..?

owh kay....


3 wortheless comments that have nothg 2 do with me..:

Unknown said... XD

T_T im not on your blog list T_T
and i checked T_T

+~Airah~+ said...

noo!! daddy! i'm so sorry!! i just added your blog list!! TT^TT...i'm soooo sowwy... TT-TT

+~Airah~+ said...

i mean blog on my list! sorry! hehe ^_^